
Cleaning Services in Annapolis

Professional Cleaning Services you can trust in Annapolis and its surrounding areas.

Bonded & Insured

We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for our customers, and our services are fully bonded and insured for your peace of mind.

Professionals at Work

Our experienced team of cleaners is dedicated to delivering the highest quality of service, and ensuring that your home or business is left spotless.

cheap house cleaning services Annapolis
House Cleaning
Window Cleaning
Carpet Cleaning
About Us

Your Mess! Our Passion!

Welcome to M.AS Cleaning Services LLC! We are a dedicated team of professionals who understand the importance of a clean and healthy environment, and Our mission is to provide reliable and high-quality services that meet the unique needs of our clients.

Whether you need a one-time deep cleaning, regular housekeeping services, or specialized cleaning for your business or commercial space, we have the expertise and resources to get the job done right. We believe that a clean space is a happy space, and we are passionate about helping our clients achieve a clean and organized environment that promotes health, happiness, and productivity.

Residential Cleaning Services in Annapolis

Whether you require a one-off house cleaning, appliances cleaning, or carpet cleaning, we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your needs. Get in touch with us today to make your home look its best!

Commercial Cleaning Services in Annapolis

Whether you require a one-off office cleaning, window cleaning, or janitorial services, we have the expertise and resources to fulfill your needs. Get in touch with us today to ensure your business is operating at its best image.

Project Completed
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Years Of Experience
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Spaces Cleaned
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Happy Customer
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What We Do

Professional Cleaning Services

Deep Cleaning Services

Our Commitment

Why Our Services?

Professional Cleaning Services To Put Your Mind At Ease

Quality Products

we use quality cleaning products that won't harm your surfaces or leave a sticky residue.

Book Services Online

Booking cleaning appointments online is a great way to get ahead of the clutter.


Whether it's a spill in the kitchen, an overflowing toilet or just too much dust piling up in your living room.

Free Consultation

Our experienced team of professionals will assess your needs and provide you with tailored solutions.

Professional Cleaning Services
Our Dedicated Team

Top Cleaning Service in Annapolis & beyond

Our team is highly trained and certified, and we take pride in our attention to detail and commitment to customer satisfaction. 

We use only the best products and equipment to ensure that we provide a safe and healthy environment for you, your family and business. 

We specialize in residential and commercial Professional Cleaning Services, offering a wide range of services to meet your needs, and always striving to exceed your expectations with every job we do.

Get 20% off your first Professional Cleaning Services

Commercial Cleaning

Some of Our Client's Feedback

Cleaning Services

Cleaning Services Completed Projects

Our Experience

Professional Cleaning Services & Safe Environments!

Maintaining a clean and orderly environment is a passion of ours. We take great pride in ensuring that your home, workplace, and any other spaces around you are kept neat and tidy. 

We believe that a clean and organized space can have a positive impact on one’s mental and physical health.

Commercial Cleaning
Tips to

Cleaning Solutions & Healthier Environments

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